Short Mystery Fiction Society Awards
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 Derringers  Poe Award


The annual Derringer Award for excellence in the field of short stories was created in 1997 by the Short Mystery Fiction Society. The name "Derringer," after the palm-sized handgun, was chosen as a metaphor for a crime short story -- small, but dangerous.  The Derringer was created to fill a void in the arena of American mystery awards, which tend to concentrate on novels.  Any story published (in print or online) in a given calendar year is eligible for a Derringer.  

We have further information on the Derringers here on the website as well as a list of the 1998 Nominated stories with weblinks to all the 1998 Nominated stories that are/were online.

You might also want to check our list of the 1997 Winners and the list of the 1998 Winners.



October 7, 1999, will mark the 150th anniversary of the passing of Edgar Allan Poe, the dark genius of American letters and the father of the detective story.  In recognition of this, The Short Mystery Fiction Society, together with MURDEROUS INTENT MYSTERY MAGAZINE, is sponsoring a Poe Tribute Short Story Contest. The contest is open to members of the  SMFS and the readers of MIMM.  

All entries must be new (never before published) tales of mystery, detection or suspense, 2,500 words or less.  No supernatural horror, and  no science-fiction.  The stories can either be set in historical times or be contemporary, and can be either deadly serious or humorous (in  recognition of the fact that Poe in his lifetime was known for his humor  writings!).  In keeping with the Poe Tribute theme, each story should involve a work of Edgar Allan Poe's as a key story element that is integral to the plot, or use Edgar Allan Poe as a character himself.

We are not necessarily looking for a pastiche, a parody or an imitation  of Poe's style, but rather creative and imaginative homages to the writer who defined the form of the short mystery.

Submissions (one per writer) will be accepted from October 7, 1998 (the  149th anniversary of Poe's death) through January 19, 1999 (the 190th  anniversary of Poe's birth).  The writer of the story that is judged best from the entries will be notified in June of 1999, and the winning story  will be published in the Fall, '99 issue of MURDEROUS INTENT MYSTERY  MAGAZINE.  All submissions should be formatted in the standard  professional way: on numbered pages, double-spaced, with a one-inch  margin on all sides.  Please include the title of the story on each page. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS since the manuscripts will not be returned.  Faxed or e-mailed submissions will not be accepted.

Mail submissions to:

Poe Short Story Contest
2317 Blackmore Drive
Glendale, CA 91206-3008

No entries postmarked later than January 19, 1999, will be accepted.

This is a chance for writers of short mystery fiction to challenge their imaginations and talent and provide a fitting tribute to one of the most important literary voices that America has produced.  Let's see your tribute to the master of mystery!    

* This contest is in no way connected with the Mystery Writers of America and its annual Edgar Allan Poe award.

The Winner of the Poe Tribute Short Story Contest has been announced.
See here for more information.

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