Joining The SMFS
 Homepage  Joining  Discussion  Netletter  Awards  Organizing

To join the Short Mystery Fiction Society(SMFS), it's free of charge, it is simply a matter of subscribing to our email discussion list.

See the Discussion List page for details.

Feel free to setup a weblink to our sites if you support a website or  home page. If you don't wish to use button graphics as shown below then  simply use the URLs listed. Send email to <> with  information about your website and we will add it to our Sponsors page on The Short Order(The SMFS Netletter) website.

Here are the URLs for the main areas of the SMFS:

  • SMFS Homepage
  • The Short Order (TSO) Netletter
  • Short Mystery Discussion List

Link To Us

Here is some html code to add a button graphic link to your site or webpage that links to the Short Mystery Fiction Society website:

<A HREF=""><IMG HEIGHT=31 WIDTH=88 SRC=" S.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="Short Mystery Fiction Society"></A>

Here is the html code to add a button graphic link to your site or webpage that links to The Short Order online newsletter:

<A HREF=""><IMG HEIGHT=31  WIDTH=88 SRC=" gif" BORDER=0 ALT="The Short Order ezine/netletter"></A>

 Homepage  Joining  Discussion  Netletter  Awards  Organizing
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All Rights Reserved