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Monday, May 31, 1999

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the EDGAR ALLAN POE SESQUICENTENNIAL SHORT STORY CONTEST is . . .


As the winning story, "The Montressor Hit" will be published in the Fall, ‘99 issue of MURDEROUS INTENT MYSTERY MAGAZINE.

In addition, four other stories were selected for Honorable Mention status by the reading committee and our contest judge, Henry Slesar.  They are:

"Cave Cask" by Glynn Marsh Alam
"Poetic Justice" by James L. Oddie
"Midnight Dreary" by D. C. Thomas
"Second Hand Smoke" by E. J. McGill

On behalf of the SMFS and Murderous Intent, we would like to congratulate our winner, Mark Troy, as well as the honorees -- Glynn, James, Debra and Earl -- and thank all those who contributed a story and made this contest a success!  We would also like to express our gratitude to Henry for serving as our final judge.

Poe-etically yours,

G. Miki Hayden
President, SMFS

Michael Mallory
Vice President, SMFS
Poe Contest Coordinator

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