The Short Order Netletter
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The Short Order(TSO) is a quarterly email/web newsletter published by the Short Mystery Fiction Society for fans of mystery fiction in the short form. Those interested in working on some part of The Short Order can email the Editor, Tom Kreitzberg  at < > with your submissions, ideas, and suggestions.

You can always go directly to the newsletter by using this URL:

On The Short Order website you will find all issues indexed by date, author, subject, and title as well as information on submitting material. If you would like an announcement added to the list on The Short Order website, please use the Announcements form on The Short Order website. The website announcements are also included in the next email issue of The Short Order.

The newsletter subscription list is used only for distribution of The Short Order newsletter. Here are the email addresses to use for The Short Order list:

List owner:

The Short Order List page on the website:


 Homepage  Joining  Discussion  Netletter  Awards  Organizing
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All Rights Reserved