1999 Derringer Award Winners
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The Short Mystery Fiction Society annouces with great pride the winners of
the Year 1999 Derringer Awards.


The co-winners of the BEST SHORT SHORT are
 "When in Rome" by Dorothy Francis
 Murderous Intent Mystery Magazine. December/January 2000 issue.


 "Just a Man on the Sidealk" by Carol Kilgore
 TheCase.Com, March 12-18, 1999


The winner of the BEST SHORT STORY is

"The Way to a Man's Heart" by Elizabeth Dearl
 The Case.Com "Twist" February, 1999


The winner of the BEST NOVELLA is

 "Saint Bobby" by Doug Allyn
 Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, April 1999


and, to repeat the previously announced special awards:

Honorary Best First Short Story
"Death in Full Bloom" by Ray Wonderly
Futures, August '99

The Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement in Short Mystery Fiction:

Henry Slesar
for his extensive and outstanding body of short mystery fiction

The Derringer Award for Reader Support:

Robert Foster
Jiro Kimura


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