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Mon, 31 Jan 2000


The Derringer Nomination Committees are now accepting submissions for consideration for the 1999 Derringer Awards, which will be announced June 1, 2000.

This year, as you may recall, we are doing things a bit differently. Two committees have been set up to arrive at five nominations in the following categories:  Best Mystery Short Story (Over 1,000 words to 10,000 words), Best Flash Mystery (Under 1,000 words) and Best Novella (Over 10,000 - 25,000 words).

One committee will read for Best Mystery Short Story, while the other will read for both Flash and Novella. Best First Mystery will be an honorary award this year, given at the discretion of the committee members.

Each member of the SMFS (that means you) may submit up to two (2) stories for consideration, from either your own work or the work of another writer. These may be submitted in the form of four sets of hardcopies or tearsheets through the mails or one copy via e-mail  Each story, of course, must have been published in calendar year 1999 (so for e-mail submissions, please provide publication info). Submissions will not be returned, so PLEASE do not send your only copy.

Committee members for short shorts/novellas are G. Miki Hayden, Carol Cail, Joyce Holland, and Sally Fellows.

Committee members for short stories are Michael Mallory, Tom Kreitzberg, Kris Neri, and Denise Baton.

Short Story submissions should be forwarded to:

Michael Mallory
Derringer Committee Chairman
2317 Blackmore Drive
Glendale, CA 91206

Copies of Flash mystery stories and Novellas should be forwarded to:

G. Miki Hayden
Derringer Committee Chairman
1351 Sea Hawk Lane
Vero Beach, FL 32963


The Committee reading window closes March 31, 2000.

The work of any writer, whether or not they belong to SMFS, is eligible.

Each SMFS member is allowed to make TWO submissions total.

We hope that you will enjoy what we consider to be an improved and more professional-level process this year. Invitations have been sent to print and online magazine editors so that they may also submit outstanding short mystery fiction.


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