1996 SMFS Board of Advisors
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On Sun, 21 Apr 1996 a first slate of Officers was posted to the SMFS listserv membership.
On May 2, 1996 the posted slate of Officers were officially voted into office.


 Deborah Adams
 Advisory Board SMFS
 She began her career as a poet and author of short fiction published in literary journals that, as she says, probably had a circulation of three and went out of business after the second issue. As a poet used to cutting words, she wondered how one could produce enough to fill a book. She chose mystery because a) it seemed like the hardest thing to write and figured if she could do that, her Great American novel would be a breeze and b) mystery was what she most enjoyed reading. Halfway through All The Great Pretenders, she realized she was having a ball _and_ ideas for more mysteries.
 Vicki Cameron
 Advisory Board SMFS
 Vicki Cameron writes Young Adult mystery novels, mystery short stories, and non-fiction books. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, Capital Crime Writers, and Short Mystery Fiction Society. Her books include FROM HEEL TO FINISH -- THE SYSTEM OF GHENT FOR THE NINETIES, THE LADIES' KILLING CIRCLE, and DON'T TELL ANYONE BUT... UFO EXPERIENCES IN CANADA. Her short stories have appeared in THE LADIES' KILLING CIRCLE and STORYteller Magazine.
 Liz Holliday
 Advisory Board SMFS
 Liz Holliday thinks of herself primarily as a science fiction writer. However, her work has been drifting steadily mystery-ward. She attended the Clarion SF Writers' Workshop in 1989, and turned full time writer in 1994. Her work includes 'And She Laughed' which appeared in the anthology London Noir (nominated for the CWA (UK) Short Story Dagger and reprinted in The Year's 25 Finest Mystery Stories (Mystery Scene)). She has also done novelisations of several tv shows, including Cracker and Thief Takers (as Lee O,Keefe).She's currently at work on a contemporary crime novel set in London, and some short mystery stories.
 Steve Schaffer
 Advisory Board SMFS
 Steve Schaffer has over ten years of experience in the computer industry. He is currently president of Newfront Communications, the developer/producer of The Case, The fun and challenging mystery website . The Case, a leading mystery and entertainment site on the Internet, was one of four sites featured as the best by ABC's Good Morning America Fri., May 3 - If you like mysteries, you will love this site. Prior to founding Newfront he worked for two years as a marketing and sales consultant. Previously he worked at a number of start-up and established companies that include Power Up Software and Symantec.
steve@thecase.com web:http://www.thecase.com web:http://www.newfront.com
 J. Alec West
 Advisory Board SMFS
 Associate Editor for _Murderous Intent_ mystery magazine. Short mystery fiction published in _Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine_ and _Murderous Intent_. Mystery-related nonfiction published in _Gila Queen's Guide to Markets_. Contributor, _Mystery Writer's Sourcebook_ (Writer's Digest Books, 1995). Mystery-author interviews regularly featured in _Murderous Intent_. Active member, Mystery Writers of America. Member, Sisters In Crime. Crossover Fiction panelist, 1994 Bouchercon. Scheduled DorothyL Mystery Literature Forum panelist, 1996 Bouchercon. Has also published short mainstream fiction and science-fiction, and through Evergreen Community Education, taught a course on short-story marketing.
alecwest@teleport.com WWW:http://www.teleport.com/~alecwest


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