1996 SMFS Officers
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On Sun, 21 Apr 1996 a first slate of Officers was posted to the SMFS listserv membership.
On May 2, 1996 the posted slate of Officers were officially voted into office.

 Margo Power
 Editor and Publisher of Murderous Intent mystery magazine. Listowner of shortmystery-l-digest. Co-author and publisher of two nonfiction books through Madison Publishing Company. Member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime. Writer of fiction and nonfiction for adults and young adults, mostly mystery or suspense related with an occasional foray into comtemporary fantasy. Published in Family Journal, Writers Journal, ChipChats and more and had a contract for a young adult mystery (which fizzeled due to publisher problems).
madison@teleport.com Murderous Intent Website at http://www.teleport.com/~madison
 Kate Grilley
 Vice President/Publicity Chief
 Published in non-fiction, plays and photography. First short story Taking Prisoners will appear in the August, 1996 issue of Murderous Intent. Also forthcoming: an entry on Daphne du Maurier in the Encyclopedia of Popular Culture set for publication late 1996. Currently working on a series of traditional mystery novels. Member of The Dramatists Guild, Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime and The Short Mystery Fiction Society. Overseas correspondent for the Sisters in Crime newsletter. Lives in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Kate can be reached by e-mail at:
71764.3206@compuserve.com or via her website at:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Kate_Grilley
 Gail Hayden
 Gail Hayden is a long-time business writer/editor and a member of Mystery Writers of America, Romance Writers of America, and the American Society for Industrial Security. She covered corporate security for seven years, which led to writing mysteries. Ms. Hayden writes in several genres: mystery, science fiction, Western, and romance. She has written eight (as yet unpublished) novels, including five mysteries. She has sold a number of short stories to a range of magazines, including Murderous Intent, Kracked Mirror Mysteries, Tale Spinner, Keen Science Fiction, The Galactic Citizen, Slip of the Pen, and The Pink Chameleon.
 Deborah J. Benoit
 Secretary/Assistant Newsletter Editor
 Deb lives and works in the Beautiful Berkshires of western Massachusetts. She has had a number of non-fiction articles published in the local press, is editor of her hometown historical society's newsletter and is currently writing and marketing her short stories. A long time lover of mystery fiction, she is a member of Sisters in Crime and the Short Mystery Fiction Society. She can be reached by e-mail at
D.Benoit2@Genie.com .
 Jiro Kimura
 Born in 1949 in Sakai City, Osaka (Prefecture), Japan--yes he says, middle-aged to the max. Studied sociology at Pace University in New York opposite City Hall, ignoring John V. Lindsay and Abe Beam. He translates mystery fiction and columns into Japanese for Japanese mystery magazines (Hayakawa's Mystery Magazine and the Japanese EQMM), writes his own mystery column and mystery fiction, mainly for the Japanese market. Jiro has his own website, The Gumshoe Site. Email:
jkimura@nsknet.or.jp If you want to know more about him, please visit his web site and find his bio and photo at: http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~jkimura/jiro.html .
 Robert K. Foster
 Newsletter Editor/Webdesigner
 Artist/Designer, Programmer/Analyst.Started his adult life as an Artist and Dreamer. Harsh realities of life forced a segueway into the Computer Programming field. Graduating late in life from university with a B.S. in Anthropology(minor in Computer Science), he found the commonality of culture(that which is passed on from one generation to the next) and artifacts(that which embodies the culture) in our modern times to be increasingly in the cyberspace realm. He is, as yet, not a published author but hopes to someday remedy that. Bob lives in Lansing, Michigan, USA.
rkfoster@ix.netcom.com Homepage: http://www.thewindjammer.com/rkfoster


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